1. Decorate for fall
2. Go apple picking
3. Make apple cider
4. Go to Oktoberfest
5. Celebrate Michaelmas
6. Read a fall-themed book
7. Host a fall bonfire party
8. Cook with seasonal produce
9. Read the Constitution on Constitution Day
10. Get outside, go for a hike or nature walk
11. Listen to fall ambiance and relaxing piano music
12. Use an aromatherapy diffuser with seasonal scents

12 fun ways to celebrate in September!
1. Decorate for fall. Go lite or go crazy—hanging plastic leaves along archways or door frames. If you have small kids, craft the decorations with them. Even if you don’t have kids, get out the paper and start crafting!
Decorating for the seasons works as a form of mental therapy. It can bring back feelings of fond memories and forces you to be in the present. Decorating is good for your mental health.
2. Go apple picking or to a farmers market. Harvesting your own food is a great way to celebrate fall. Try making apple butter or apple sauce.
3. Make homemade apple cider. It’s easy and delicious! Plus, it makes the house smell amazing. Recipe here.
4. Go to Oktoberfest. A traditional folk festival to celebrate Bavarian culture. However, the beer is fun too. The festivals usually have games, dancing, music, and lots of yummy German food. Oktoberfest is from September 16th through October 3rd.
5. Celebrate Michaelmas and make an apple blackberry pie. Michaelmas is September 29, and the celebration dates back to the 5th century. It was originally a day of holy obligation for Catholics and was reserved to honor St. Micheal the Archangel. Later, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael were added.
St. Michael cast Satan out of heaven. While Satan fell to Earth, he landed on a thorny blackberry bush. Out of anger and defeat, he spat upon the blackberries, turning them bitter. It is believed that part of the Michaelmas celebration was to make an apple blackberry pie, using up the blackberries before the devil could turn them sour.
It is a tradition in our household. Every year we make a pie and celebrate our guardian angels, especially the Archangels.
6. Read a fall-themed book. Go to your local library and check out a book with a fall theme to read. Not sure where to start? Good Reads has a great Cozy Autumn Book Shelf.
My favorite book for little kids is Fletcher and the Falling Leaves by Julia Rawlinson.
7. Host a fall bonfire party using a fire pit or fireplace. Make it a fall potluck, and have everyone bring a fall-inspired dish to share. Celebrate fall by roasting marshmallows, drinking apple cider, and dancing.
8. Cook with seasonal produce. Plan meals using food in season. Think everything apple and blackberry. Trying new vegetables is not only healthy but a great way to be adventurous and get out of a rut.
9. Read the Constitution on Constitution Day, September 17th. How many of us have actually taken the time to read the Constitution? How can we begin to Love and appreciate this country when we haven’t read its most important document? Don’t feel like reading it? Take a free Hillsdale course on it. Hillsdale College offers two free courses on the constitution, each only having 12 lessons.
10. Get outside and go for a hike or nature walk. Just 20 minutes a day of outside time reduces stress, helps heal depression and anxiety, and improves sleep and cogitative thinking. Check your city for fall events and activities. Find walking trails, or just sit outside and read the new book you just found. Visit All Trails to find a path near you!
11. Listen to fall ambiance and relaxing piano music while cooking dinner and eating it. Who really wants to cook dinner? Most of us wish that good food would spawn in and clean itself up once we are done. Since spawning isn’t an option, let’s make cooking more enjoyable, and be more present while we make it. Pour a glass of wine or make a fall-inspired cocktail, put on some good music, and dance around the kitchen while you cook a healthy meal with love, drinks, and music. Enlist the help of your family to make it even more meaningful and fun.
12. Use an aromatherapy diffuser with seasonal scents. Aromatherapy has been used for centuries. It can boost moods, decrease stress, clean the air, and improve sleep.
My daughter and I love orange cinnamon essential oil for this time of year. The house smells festive!
If you don’t have a diffuser, you can make your own spray using a small spray bottle filled with water and add a few drops of oil. Spray the air in each room. It’s a much healthier Fabreeze.
Another way to spread the scent is to put a small square oil-dropped fabric or paper towel in your vacuum cleaner’s filter. Every time you vacuum, the house will smell like fall.

“As long as autumn lasts, I shall not have hands, canvas, and colors enough to paint the beautiful things I see.” Vincent Van Gogh
Do you have fun ways to celebrate September? Let us know in the comments.
As always, Thanks for stopping by for some Salty Inspirations!