Michelle Clifton

What is Michaelmas

What is Michaelmas? And why is it worth celebrating?

Micheal’s Mass -Michaelmas is celebrated on September 29th, shortly after the fall equinox. As the days turn colder and darker, we are reminded of the gifts of the final harvest and the need for protection against the devil. The celebration was a way to remember the saving power of St. Michael, the prince of the heavenly host and protector against Satan.

What is Michaelmas? And why is it worth celebrating? Read More »

Canva Free Vs Paid

Canva Free vs Paid. Is Pro Worth It For Low-Content Books?

Canva Free offers a great introduction to graphic design without needing prior knowledge. Depending on the type of designs you plan on making, Canva Free may be all you will ever need. Canva Pro (paid) is $119.00 per year subscription. With Canva Pro, you are given more in-depth tools to create your designs. Canva Pro makes designing even easier and saves time.

Canva Free vs Paid. Is Pro Worth It For Low-Content Books? Read More »