Michaelmas is a day to honor St. Michael, the Arch Angel, and to give thanks to God for his blessed gifts and the protection of our angels. It was traditionally a Catholic Feast of Thanksgiving. In 1969, the Arch Angels St. Gabriel and St. Raphael were added to St. Micheal’s feast day.
Micheal’s Mass -Michaelmas is celebrated on September 29th, shortly after the fall equinox. As the days turn colder and darker, we are reminded of the gifts of the final harvest and the need for protection against the devil. The celebration was a way to remember the saving power of St. Michael, the prince of the heavenly host and protector against Satan.
In an epic battle of good and evil, St. Micheal cast Lucifer, his brother, out of heaven. While Satan fell to Earth, he landed on a thorny blackberry bush. Out of anger and defeat, Satan spat upon the blackberries, turning them bitter.
Lucifer’s name meant bearer of light, but once evil consumed him, his name was changed to Satan, meaning prince of evil and darkness.
As the people prepared for winter, they wanted nothing to go to waste. It is believed that part of the Michaelmas celebration was to make an apple blackberry pie, using up the blackberries before the devil could turn them sour. Large festivals were held, and many celebrations were like the US Thanksgiving. Instead of turkey, goose was served.
The first known festivals were during the Middle Ages, sometime around the 5th century. At that time, Michaelmas was a day of holy obligation. Sadly, the obligation was removed sometime around the 18th century, and much of the world has forgotten about this beautiful feast day.
Michaelmas is a feast day not to be missed. Who would ever turn down the intercession of an archangel if asked? On this Michaelmas, take a moment and think back to how many times St. Michael has probably intercessed for you. Or how many times your guardian angels have helped you along life’s path. In our fast-paced lives, it’s nice to slow down, take a moment, and reconnect with our faith and the past. Ask St. Michael and your guardian angels for continued protection in the coming year.
Many Catholic churches end Mass by reciting St. Michael’s prayer. It is a powerful one. St. Michael is the patron saint of the military, police, doctors, and the sick.

This Michaelmas try these traditions!
- Print St. Michael’s prayer and display it to remind you that where evil lurks, St. Micheal is there to vanish it.
- Pray a novena to St. Michael and ask for his intercession into your life.
- Make an Apple Blackberry Pie
- Roast a goose or chicken and serve it with fall vegetables. We make Thanksgiving in a dish
- Create a list of blessings in your life
- Read about St. Michael. He has appeared at Mont St. Michael in Normandy, France, and the Grotto of St. Michael in Southeast Italy. There are several holy spots around the world associated with St. Micheal and his healing powers
- Read the bible passages about all of the Arch Angels.

“The battle against the devil, which is the principal task of Saint Michael the Archangel, is still being fought today because the devil is still alive and active in the world.” – Pope St. John Paul II
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