Michelle Clifton

12 ways to stop and enjoy life

12 ways to stop and enjoy life. How to Slow the Rat Race.

A piece of advice for you and myself don’t get stuck in the rut of life. Write down what you are thankful for each day, no matter how small, and steal as much time as possible for yourself. The only way to change society is to stop being a part of it. Stop mindlessly scrolling through social media, endlessly watching YouTube, or obsessively checking email. Instead, focus on reclaiming your precious time from these trivial distractions. Financial burdens and poor health will always be here. Time will not. Stop and enjoy life.

12 ways to stop and enjoy life. How to Slow the Rat Race. Read More »

Spritual Spring Cleaning 30 days of Gratitude

Spiritual Spring Cleaning! 30 days of gratitude- a path to happiness

Being happy is what most of us seek. In order for us to find happiness, we need to see happiness in our day-to-day things. Learning to be more grateful can have a profound effect on, our daily happiness. Sure, it’s not going to pay the bills or cure health problems, but it will let you see the world with a different pair of lenses. Try 30 days of gratitude

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Homemade Elderberry syrup

Elderberry Syrup

Elderberries have the ability to protect the cell from the attacking virus. It blocks the virus’s ability to enter the cell and multiply. Basically, the elderberries prevent the virus from reproducing, giving the immune system a better chance at eliminating it. It also has immune-boosting vitamins that can give your immune system the extra punch it needs to remove the virus.

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