Why are my Cozy Mysteries different

What are Cozy Mysteries?

There’s a lot of debate about what makes a “true” cozy mystery. Purists insist on a strict formula—an amateur sleuth, a quaint small-town setting, closed-door bedroom scenes, no language, and a murder that happens off-page with no real danger or personal stakes. These books offer comfort, charm, and a guaranteed happy ending. And while I love a good traditional cozy, my stories take a slightly different path.

Why My Cozy Mysteries Are Slightly Different 

What comes to mind when you hear the term “cozy mystery”? Perhaps a quaint small town, a quirky amateur sleuth, and a mystery that’s as much about tea and gossip as it is about solving a crime. While my books embrace some of these hallmarks, I like to think they stand out by offering something a little different, a cozy mystery with a twist.

Inspired by some of my favorite authors, Janet Evanovich and Kyra Davis. I write stories that balance darker plots with humor and shenanigans, blending the charm of the cozy genre with a bit more edge. Let me take you behind the scenes to show you how I craft my mysteries and what makes them unique.

Defining the Genre and Bending It with Others

Traditional cozy mysteries are known for their clean language, absence of graphic violence or sex, and focus on solving crimes in tight-knit communities. While my books are rooted in this tradition, they take a few liberties.

I keep things realistic with mild language. You won’t find F-bombs, but you might hear a character say “crap” now and then.

What about those bedroom scenes? Well, they’re not entirely closed-door. Instead, I offer a single mildly detailed paragraph that lets readers feel the connection without steering into overly explicit territory. I want my readers to feel the deep emotional connection my characters feel for each other. Let’s face it: Sex happens, and it should be about love and passion.

These choices allow me to explore a wider emotional range while staying true to the spirit of a cozy mystery.

self-publishing writing break

The Key Ingredients of My Cozy Mysteries 

1. Tropes with a Twist

Every great story has its tropes, and I’m not shy about embracing them. My books feature:

  • Love Triangles: Relationships are messy, and Love triangles keep readers guessing and rooting for their favorite! Plus, what relationship doesn’t have its ups and downs? Even Hallmark movies give us that!
  • Amateur Sleuths: There’s something satisfying about watching an everyday person outwit the authorities to solve a crime. Taryn O’Kelly, my protagonist, might not be a detective, but she’s smart, sexy, and persistent. She’s relatable, you could see yourself having a mocha with her and discussing life’s trials.
  • Red Herrings: What’s a mystery without clever misdirection? I love crafting twists that keep readers on their toes. I try to create subtle clues with memorable characters.
  • Small Town Setting: Aren’t most cozies set in a small town? Mine are set in the fictional town of Silver Springs, Colorado. Not everyone knows your name, but it’s close. Taryn has lived in this town her entire life. Her family is three generations strong. She didn’t run away and return or move to escape a previous life; she was born and raised there.

2. Balancing Dark Plots with Humor

Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, and neither are my stories. From mysterious deaths on a cruise ship to secrets buried in small-town scandals, my plots venture into dark territory. But just when things get heavy, I bring in humor and lighthearted shenanigans to keep the mood balanced. Taryn and her friends have a knack for finding trouble, and making readers laugh while doing it.

3. A Unique Place in the Genre

My books sit somewhere between a cozy mystery and a fast-paced, character-driven adventure. Think small-town charm with a touch of Stephanie Plum-style chaos. If you love a mystery with humor, heart, and a heroine who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty, I think you’ll feel right at home. Think of my books as spicy cozies or cozies with a twist.

Why I Write This Way

When I set out to write cozy mysteries, I wanted to create stories I would love to read. I enjoy the charm and wit of traditional cozies, but I also crave deeper emotional stakes for my characters. I wanted my protagonist to have real skin in the game. She’s not just a curious neighbor stumbling into crime scenes; she has personal stakes that make solving the mystery more than just a puzzle to pass the time.

Traditional cozies have their own appeal. They often lean into whimsy and lighthearted fun with quirky characters and the small-town charm. While I love a good Hallmark-style story, I wanted my mysteries to feel a little grittier, a little more dangerous. My characters are quirky and Silver Springs is a small town but I write a slightly darker edge. By blending light and dark elements, adding a dash of romance, and keeping the humor flowing, I’ve found a style that feels true to me.

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Ready to Dive In?

If you’re looking for a cozy mystery with a little more bite, I invite you to check out my books. Party Planning For Murder, the first in the series, and (coming in April) Cruises, Cocktails, and Corpses, the latest in the Taryn O’Kelly series. This series is full of twists, laughs, and just the right amount of spice.

Let me know what you think and don’t forget to share your favorite cozy mystery tropes in the comments!

What to know more about how I write my cozy mysteries? Read my Q&A

“A guy I sort of hit and ran today.” I squished up my face and winced. – Taryn in Party Planning for Murder

As always, thanks for stopping by for some Salty Inspirations!

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